3 days remain to support our crowdfunder.
The Kickstarter crowdfunding appeal for our Anxiety Empire print magazine will finish in 3 days time (it’ll end at lunchtime on Thursday the 20th). Thank you so much if you have supported it!
I was really apprehensive about doing a Kickstarter, as it’s very much out of my comfort zone to do something which feels so public. Yet the response has been quite beautiful, with people showing great generosity - both in terms of pledging money but also in their openness in sharing their reasons for supporting the magazine. From people seeing the need for mental health resources to be accessible to all, to wanting to support independent media, to having personal experience of struggling with their mental health and wanting to support endeavours which provide support to others…
If you haven’t yet supported the Kickstarter, but would like to, then click the link below to make a pledge.
The link also gives more details about the magazine itself - but if you have any questions do feel free to email me at zoe@anxietyempire.com
Thanks so much,